Projects: Higher Education

Johnson County Community College Science Laboratory Renovation

A modernized science lab and teaching facility designed for the now and next. 

Installation Details

Johnson County Community College’s updated and modernized science laboratory and teaching facility better meets the needs of students and provides flexibility for the future. Disciplines included biology, chemistry, physics, geology, astronomy, biotechnology, environmental science, and physical science, as well as dedicated undergraduate research spaces, chemistry instrumentation space, and support spaces.

Cramer installed 187 Citrus chairs in more than 22 laboratory classrooms, including Biosafety Level 2 facilities in the microbiology, biotechnology, and prep and research areas. Workspaces promote collaboration, enhance flexibility, and allow teachers to join students in advanced learning experiences.

Fast Fact #1

187 Citrus chairs in various colors

Fast Fact #2

22 active-learning laboratory classrooms

Fast Fact #3

Teaching and research laboratories across 8 programs

Why Citrus for shared lab spaces:

  • Easy to clean with fewer seams and joints
  • One-touch height adjustment ensures a fast, personal fit
  • Light, mobile, and modern for shared spaces

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